Lockdown Compotition.
Let’s have some fun with our Photography!
As probably most of us are in Isolation at the moment and our Photography is either on hold or being challenged Ithought it would be great to get our creative minds ticking with a Lockdown Photography Compotition. Simple really. You send your ONE best lockdown Photograph into us here at SFLaB and we will get two other inspirational YouTubers
to help find the best FIVE photographs and a Winner. Winners will be announced in May on the SFLaB Channel.
The subject matter must be taken within or from your own home boundaries.Either indoors, your front or back yard or views taken from your front/back yard.
It’s up to you what you shoot it on. Film, Digital, Polaroid, Smartphone. Colour or Black and White. All we ask is you re size your image to 1200px long edge and at least 240DPI.
Closing Date
Entries to be in by 31st April 2020
So get thinking and shooting and email your Photographs to roglowe147@gmail.com along with the date and location of the photograph.
Photographs should be resized to 1200px and be at least 240DPI. Entries must be in by 31st May 2020 and the Winners will be anounced on the SFLaB Channel in May.
- Look for interesting compositions, low down, high up
- Stare around you for a while and look at objects that you’d never think would look interesting as a Photograph. They probably would.
- Think about lighting. If you don’t have all the latest gear try using natural daylight coming in from a window or using a lamp or a flash light. You can always diffuse using a piece of white paper.
- Try making your own interesting backgrounds for an object.